Hot Slut Of The Day!

Dollymaker Boutique!

When Creepy Crawlers, which is being turned into a movie 26 years too late, was brought back from the dead by toy company ToyMax in the mid-90s, it became a gigantic hit. (Mattel was the original creator of Creepy Crawlers in the 1960s and discontinued that bitch for good in the late-70s.) Mattel did several spin-offs of Creepy Crawlers, including one for girls, because back then only butch lezzies-in-training played with bugs, I guess. The one for girls was Dollymaker, and came out in 1969.

Like Creepy Crawlers (and also one of last week’s Hot Sluts, the Makit & Bakit oven), kids used a mold and a little oven to make their creations. Because of the success of the 90s reboot of Creepy Crawlers, a company Canada Games brought back Dollymaker Boutique.

If Dr. Frankenstein was a diabolical little kid in the 90s who had the urge to spread terror to the world by creating an army of dead-eyed dollies with bone chilling smiles that said, “I can’t wait to butcher you in your sleep and then put your flesh into the Dollymaker oven to create more cutesy soldiers of evil,” he’d be all about Dollymaker Boutique.

Dollymaker Boutique came with basic molds and “Glamour Goop,” which is more proof that everything was better in the 80s and 90s, even GOOP. You’d squirt Glamour Goop, which sounds like what comes out of Harald Gloockler, into a mold and bake it until it turned into a glamorous doll. Other molds, like cheerleader molds and pony molds, were sold separately. And you could even make a purse. for. her. hand. (That part of the jingle is never leaving my brain.)

Dollymaker Boutique didn’t make it to the early-aughts and was discontinued. But why do I have a feeling that Satan secretly bought the technology behind Dollymaker Boutique and used it to make the plastic personality-less dead-inside demons known as the Kardashians? I know, I need to make a purse for my hand and then slap myself with that purse for even comparing the gorgeous Dollymaker Dolls to that trash!

Pic: eBay

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Category: celebrity gossip