Hot Slut Of The Day!

The Buff Pussy Of Quebec!

Quebec saw Australia’s buff kangaroo and raised ’em a buff cat. The truth is, I don’t know if this cat is really ready to pump you up or is just like one of those chunky dudes who knows how to finesse a tight t-shirt so he looks jacked. Whatever the case may be, the feline form of The Rock is definitely ready to steal your girl (or man, I don’t know his life like that), and makes cats all over Quebec reach for the Q-tip. This cat also makes the ripped bros at the gym head to the locker room as soon as he wobbles in, because they really don’t like the feeling of their muscled-up egos deflating as they get out-lifted by a cat.

BuzzFeed says that the Twitter account @officialbuffcat was created last year after a woman in Quebec spotted Lou Purrigno causing the gravel and concrete beneath his paws to quiver as he pounded around her neighborhood. But she didn’t start posting on the account until last week, and ever since then, she’s been sharing Buff Cat with the world. A muscle STAH (and a meme) was born! Here’s Buff Cat proving that the planet is officially out of gains because he gained them all.

here's a video of the buff cat

— buff cat (@officialbuffcat) May 28, 2018

And here’s Jean-Claws Van Damme staring me down like the ripped gym bros do when they want to use the lift machine I’m on and see me taking 10 minute breaks in between huffing and puffing while lifting the minimum (zero weights):

if you close your eyes right before the buff cat hits, your brain will think that you have died. some people find calmness in this.

— buff cat (@officialbuffcat) May 28, 2018

And another angle of Buff Cat in his buff glory:

thicc boi

— buff cat (@officialbuffcat) May 28, 2018

Because this is an important story, BuzzFeed asked a NYC veterinarian to explain how Buff Cat got so stacked. While I think that Buff Cat is putting some PGH (pussy growth hormones) in his Meow Mix, the vet says he probably got swole from a genetic mutation.

“That boy is an absolute unit. There is a genetic mutation that’s found mostly in some cow breeds that is called double-muscling (look up some pictures, they look fucking swole!) and I’ve heard of rare cases of it in some dog breeds like Rottweilers and Greyhounds, but never in a cat. This might be the first.”

Buff Cat isn’t only a gift on this Caturday, he’s also a gift to Canada. Because before this cat came along everyone thought of Justin Bieber when thinking of a buff pussy from Canada. And this is a buff pussy they can truly be proud of.

Pic: @officialbuffcat

Original Article

Category: celebrity gossip