7 Things Guys Find More Attractive Than Your Lady Lumps

7 Things Guys Find More Attractive Than Your Lady Lumps

Ashlee Miller
| 3.13.17 | 1:48 pm

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Woman smiling while clenching pillow

CREDIT: Credit: HTeam/Shutterstock

Ladies, be honest: sometimes we use our breasts to our ability because well, to some, they are our best assets, right? While they’re great and all, there’s way more to us than our boobs. You may think your dude never notices your hair, or your style, or even your favorite TV show. But he does.

Because plastic surgery has become so popular and has made women break their necks to achieve the “perfect” body, we tend to overlook our greatest attributions guys gawk over. There’s way more to you than your boobs when it comes to your man’s attraction. Here’s what he’s really attracted to:


Woman laying in bed, talking on phone

CREDIT: Alexander Gorban/Shutterstock

There have been more times than I can count on my fingers of a guy saying to me, “You sound so sexy.” Apparently that’s a thing. Guys love a sweet and sultry voice. Not one that will make his ears bleed like Nanny Fran. But… who doesn’t love Nanny Fran?


You may not notice this, but guys love girls with great hair. It doesn’t matter if you’re curly, blonde, or have dreadlocks, if you keep that sh*t clean and tamed, they’ll be all over you.

The Booty

When Sir Mix-a-lot rapped, “I like big butts and I do not lie,” he was representing the many man who love a girl with a fat ass. Why do you think people are so obsessed with the Kim Kardashians and Nicki Minajes of the world? Young boys may like racks on racks on racks, but men love babies with back.


Guys pay attention to how you look. Even if he isn’t into fashion, he loves a stylish girl. He likes to know that you are well put together and are comfortable in your own skin. He won’t clown you for wearing last season’s handbag, but he just likes to know that when you two step out, you’re going to make him look good.

Sense of Humor

Friends laughing at a table

CREDIT: Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

To a man, there’s nothing sexier than a woman with a great sense of humor. Guys love it when girls laugh at their jokes, no matter how corny they are. But even more, they love a funny woman. Funny women are hot and it shows that they make good company in dull moments.

Non-Judgemental Attitude

As women, there are some things that are just deal breakers for us—like, if his right leg is longer than his left leg or if his eye is a little crooked. But if you’re a woman who doesn’t care about the outer and loves him more for his inner, he loves this. A guy can really appreciate a non-superficial girl who sees more to him than his physical flaws.

TV Interests

Guys pay close attention to what you watch on TV. They would much rather hang with a girl who watches Breaking Bad and House of Cards than one who stares at sappy movies and reality TV all day. Your TV taste is everything.

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physical attraction, sexed, what guys like, what guys wantOriginal Article

Category: celebrity gossip